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Permaquip have been helping railways around the world stay safe for over 50 years.
Not just safe; our innovations have solved railway maintenance tasks and challenges as they’ve emerged, improving efficiency, productivity and competitiveness, while keeping closures and delays to a minimum.
Today the Permaquip name is a byword in the rail industry for safe, rugged and dependable products, made in the UK to world-class standards and relied on by the best in every kind of rail environment and climate.

Our Values
Integrity, excellence, teamwork, commitment and sustainability: these are the values that guide our performance and provide a touchstone for all of our employees in an uncertain world.
Integrity in all of our stakeholder relationships; excellence in design and manufacture; teamwork across all of our operations; commitment to the very highest standards of service; and sustainability through innovative solutions to our customers’ needs.

& Support
Permaquip products speak for themselves. But there are two sides to the conversation.
We listen to every word our customers have to say, about our products, about our service, and about what they need to do their job better.
Then we act on it, providing exceptional product and technical support through our distributor network and dedicated service support facilities based in the UK, and cycling all of our customers’ knowledge and insight into our innovation process, so that our products have even more to say for themselves next time round.
“ It’s well engineered. It just works. ”
Bob Riley Rail Maintenance Solutions Network Rail
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